Albergo Siena centro

Hotel in the center of Siena

The oldest hotel in Siena - already "Locanda of Arms of England"

The Hotel in Siena is located in the central and charming Montanini Street, the shopping street and the urban layout of the ancient and prestigious Via Francigena. Despite being just 200 meters from the Piazza Il Campo and very close to convenient parking 4 by payment and free (Via Pian d'Ovile - Viale Vittorio Veneto). You can reach the hotel by car to unload your luggage communicating the number plate on arrival (ZTL input from Piazza Matteotti).

  • Hotel Siena center

    In front of the Hotel is still distinguishable ancient Torre de 'Ponzi. It is the oldest hotel in Siena, originally called "Inn of Arms of England." The English traveler and writer Mariana Starke (1762-1838) quotes him as best hotel in Siena in his "Travels on the continent" of 1820.

  • Hotel Siena center

    The building of the Hotel dates back to the early eighteenth century and is a building originally owned by the noble Bulgarini family, and bought in 1262 by Ghinibaldo of Saracino, husband of Sapia Salvani, in Dante's Divine Comedy (Canto XIII - Purgatory).

  • Hotel Siena center

    Piazza del Campo

  • Hotel Siena center

    Duomo di Siena

  • Hotel Siena center

    Palio di Siena


Tel 0039 0577 44321 - Fax 0039 0577 280868 Hotel Siena center


Hotel Siena center


Via Montanini 28
CAP: 53100
Tuscany - Italy